
TMNT: Missing: Chapter 2 - Messages

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Chapter 2: Messages
Leo was sitting at the kitchen table. It was nearly twenty-four hours since Raph and Donnie came back with half of Mikey’s nunchaku, he had not slept since then. Leo was angrily wishing his ankle was not injured, so he could help his brothers look for Mikey. He pressed redial, this time he let it go to voicemail.  “Sup!” pause, “ hahaha! Got ya! I am not here right now catch me later!”

“This is not funny Mikey! Pick up the phone! Damn it Mikey!” Leo shouted causing Raph and Donnie to jump as they entered the lair.

“It’s what we thought, I just need to check the blood,” Donnie said.

Ten minutes later Donnie came from his lab.

“Raph’s” Leo asked.

Donnie nodded.

“Where else could he be?” Leo asked
Mikey woke up with a sharp kick to his side; he gasped. He was in so much pain. A plate of food was dropped in front of him, it was the same thing he has been eating for the past two week, a baloney sandwich. Up until two weeks ago he never heard of baloney, but now he waited desperately for his daily ration. Mikey picked up the sandwich and at it slowly. He could taste something metallic, it was his blood.

After Mikey ate his sandwich, dragged his finger through the wet blood and made a tally mark on the wall. He realized he only got feed once a day so it was easy for him to make how long he was there for.

Mikey sat there picking at the dried blood on his arm. Soon fresh blood streamed from the wound. Mikey began to mindless draw on the floor in his blood, by the time he finished he realized he has draw his brothers. He gently touched the drawing, tears began to fall down his face. Mikey took his hand and smeared the image, then he curled up beside it and cried. He had never been away from his brothers or his father in his life.
“Two weeks!” Leo shouted, “two weeks! How can he be missing for two weeks?”

“Shut up Leo!” Raph snapped, “ya think you can so a better job how about your hobble on around topside and look for him yourself!”

“You know if I could I would!” Leo snapped back bitterly.

Donnie sighed from his lab. Their fighting has been non stop since Mikey dissapeared, sure they fought before, but this was worst. Leo felt terrible since he ankle was broken and he could not walk or help them. All he did when he when he was not fighting with Raph or watching Space Heroes, he was complaining that he could not train and would call Mikey’s T-Phone. Donnie spent all his time trying to figure out if the locations they woke up at meant anything. He had the three locations plotted on a map of the city. He had notes scribbled all over the place. April’s apartment was the only one that meant anything to them. Both Raph and Leo’s locations they seldom visited.

Donnie tilted his head the locations looked like they were….triangular! Donnie connected the locations, they made a perfect isosceles triangle. “Why did I not notice this!” he shouted. He then re-connected the dots to make a square, Mikey could be in the missing corner.

“Guys I got a lead!” Donnie exclaimed coming running out of his lab, but when he did he ran blindly into April. The girl dropped the small box in her hand. “Sorry,” Donnie said blushing, “here,” he tried to hand her the box, but she pushed it back in his hands.

“You really should see what is in side,” She said. Donnie looked into her eyes, they were sad.

“Is it something to do with Mikey?” he asked quickly.

April sadly nodded.

Donnie walked over to his brothers, “April found this,” Donnie said, holding out the small box.

“I will get Master Splinter,” Leo said rising to his crutches and crossed the lair.

“Leonardo,” Splinter said opening the door before Leo even got there.

“No sneaking up with these things,” Leo said, looking at his crutches.

“No,” Splinter said with a slight smile, “now why have you come?”

“April found something connected to Mikey,” he said.

Without a word Splinter went with Leo out to the living area. When they got to the room Donnie was nervously playing the small lightweight box. Silently he placed it in his father’s paws. Splinter tuned the box gently in his paws, before he opened it. When he opened it he peered inside and dropped the box to the floor. Raph bent down and picked up the box, he pulled out the blood stained orange mask.

Splinter dropped down to couch. April sat down next to him and placed her soft hand on his paw. Raph continued to stare blankly at the mask in his hand. Leo faltered on his feet, but caught himself before he fell. Then he slowly made his way to sit next to his father. Donnie just dropped to his knees where he stood.

“What does this mean. . .” April started

“There is no way Mikey is dead!” Raph shouted. Abruptly Raph shoved the mask into Donnie’s hands, “check to see who’s blood this is,” Raph’s voice we nearly violent.

“Raph I will, you don’t have to be so rough,” Donnie stood up and made is way to his lab.

His computer read ‘match’ the blood on the mask was Mikey’s. Donnie held his hand over his eyes and cried. He did not know if they were tears of joy or sadness.

Donnie came out of his lab, “Mikey’s” he said simply.

“I see,” Splinter said rising to his feet. He walked off to his room, “I am going to meditate more on this matter,” he said.

“This has never happened before,” Leo told April. “None of us have even been missing for an hour,” Leo got up, “I am going to call Mikey again,”

“Oh cause that first thousand times worked,” Raph snapped.

“It’s all I can do to help,” Leo said before closing the door to his room, “Mikey please, pick up. Don’t do this to us, please just come home.”
Splinter numbly walked into his room, he held the blood stained orange mask in his paws. “My Michelangelo,” Splinter said solemnly, closing his eyes. Splinter looked at the mask once again, there was more blood red in the mask than original orange.  His youngest son has been missing for two weeks. Splinter knelt to the ground, closed his eyes and began to meditate. Tears slipped down Splinter’s cheeks.
Mikey was sleeping in the corner of the room, it must have been an inside walls it was warmer than the other side of his cell. It was not too much warmer, but it was warmer. Mikey heard the cell door creak open. He opened one eye, they were not here to feed him. Mikey whimpered a little.

Mikey let out a gasp of air and the knife drew a long across his skin. Mikey bit his lip to attempt to hold back the painful cries.  Mikey was picked up by the throat, he held him in just away so he would pass out. The hand dropped Mikey to the ground. Before darkness took him Mikey glanced at his tally marks, today was day thirty.

“There,” a voice said, “now bring in that doctor I can’t have him dying on me.”  

A body was tossed into the small cell.

“Fix him, no questions and I won’t kill your daughter,” the icy voice spoke.

The young doctor leaned over his patient, “h-he’s a turtle….how?,” he gasped.

“I said no questions,” with that the figure was gone.

The creature whimpered under his touch. The doctor began to clean the wounds, he could tell they were several stages of healing. Several of the fresher cuts needed stitches, that must have been why he was summoned. He looked at the front half of the creature’s shell, there was a few cracks to it, he had no clue how to deal with turtle’s shell.

“Enough time,” the voice came picking up the doctor by the collar of his shirt.

The doctor was tossed back into the van with his daughter, they traveled for nearly an hour when the van stopped they were in Hoboken.
When Mikey woke up he found his wounds cleaned and the deeper ones were stitched closed.

The door opened again, it was his daily sandwich. “Stupid baloney,” Mikey gaged as he at the sandwich for the thirty-first day in row.
It’s been two weeks since they searched for Mikey’s position based on Donnie’s research came up empty. It’s been a month since Mikey was missing.  

Donnie was staring at his computer waiting for Mikey’s GPS location to show up. Ever since they realized Mikey was missing Donnie tried relentlessly to find Mikey’s location, but the phone must have been hacked and the GPS signal deactivated.
Mikey was half slumped against the far wall of his cell.

“Hello, Michelangelo,” Karai sneered kicking his foot, causing him to nearly jump from his shell, “is it broken?” she asked with mock sympathy.  

Mikey said nothing, he just breathed heavily.

“So you going to tell us today?” Karai said with a knowing smile, “you have been here like what six weeks now?”

“No,” Mikey said weakly, as Karai brought her hand up and slapped him across the face. Mikey started to cough.

“Little blood today with that cough of yours? Well I’ll be over here,” she said point to the hallway. Before she left she took her single katana and slashed his leg three times and then jammed the weapon in his shoulder. Mikey’s leg and shoulder gave a violent jerk of pain. Mikey whimpered, pulling himself into an awkward position so that he could place a hand on each wound.

The Foot soldier stepped on Mikey’s already injured leg. He gave several kicks to his plastron before knocking him unconscious.

“Don’t worry turtle-boy the good doctor will be by….maybe….”

The doctor was sent into the room after nearly thirty minutes. For the second time the doctor looked at the young turtle, he looked worst than he did when he saw him two weeks ago.

The doctor finished stitching up Mikey and wrapping is ankle. Mikey moaned, the doctor laid Mikey on his back. Mikey’s eyes slowly opened, they finally came into focus. Mikey tried to move away, but the doctor held him in place. “I’m helping you,” he whispered.

“Stitches?” Mikey said weakly as his eyes slid out of focus.

“Yeah, I hear them coming. I have to go, I will back,” he whispered as the young turtle fell unconscious once again in his arms.
Donnie was sleeping in his bed with the laptop halfway on him; forever hoping Mikey’s GPS signal would show up, but scientifically he knew that it was improbable.  Raph was sleeping on his plastron, with Spike perched on his carapace. Leo was sleeping on the couch, with his T-Phone near by. Splinter was sitting in his room with orange fabric in his paws. He spent the entire time searching for new martial to make a new mask for his youngest son.
Since Mikey could not find anything to keep him warm he started sleeping fully tucked into his shell
When the turtles wake up separated and alone after a fight they don't remember, they must piece together what happened, their missing brother's life may depend on it.

I commissioned a picture from :icongolzyblazey: for this chapter. Check out the picture here: [link]

Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 3: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 Culinary-Alchemist
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tuki626's avatar

Poor Mikey!!!